ID Course Name
NTU2023S001 Healthy Landscape Healthy People Studio
NTU2023S002 Health Policy
ID Course Name
USTC2023S001 Safety in the chemical lab(online by icourse)
USTC2023S002 Particle Cosmology (online by MOOC)
ID Course Name
OU2023S001 Introduction to Japanese Law
OU2023S002 Introduction to Comparative Law
OU2023S003 Osaka University Anniversary Lecture_SS
OU2023S004 Effectively Communicating Your Science & Research
OU2023S005 Design Studies – Creative Process and Methods
OU2023S006 International Exchange Special Lecture 3(Intelligence and Learning)
OU2023S007 Negotiation Workshop
OU2023S008 Japan; Society and Ideology
OU2023S009 Ethical and Regenerative Cities
OU2023S010 Special Topics in Design
ID Course Name
HKUST2023S001 Introduction to Computing with Java
HKUST2023S002 Search Engines for Web and Enterprise Data
ID Course Name
NTHU2023S001 Deconstructing Research Articles
NTHU2023S002 Applied Cryptography
NTHU2023S003 Macroeconomics (II)
NTHU2023S004 Strategy and Value Creation
ID Course Name
NYCU2023S001 Introduction to two-dimensional materials and systems
NYCU2023S002 VLSI Manufacture Technology
NYCU2023S003 Radiation Effects in Electronics
NYCU2023S004 Introduction to compressed sensing
NYCU2023S005 Environmental Analysis
NYCU2023S006 Consumer Behavior
NYCU2023S007 Branding and Integrated Marketing Communications
ID Course Name
PT2023S001 Analysis Methods in Engineering
PT2023S002 Nanoscale Science &Engineering
PT2023S003 Introduction to Makers
PT2023S004 AR/VR Design & Fabrication Studio
PT2023S005 Making Intro. for Graduate Research
PT2023S006 Comput. Dsgn Thinking & Fabric. Studio